Reading and Theatre Outside the Box

The Reading and Theatre Outside the Box project is realised in cooperation between the Miniatura Theatre and the Teacher Education Centre in Gdańsk as part of the Education for Culture. Gdańsk programme. It is a project for teachers of early childhood education, where we are looking for various possibilities to use theatre techniques when working with books.

The project includes 4 thematic modules implemented in the form of active, creative and practical workshops. After the pilot project, we are planning 2 workshops for each module (8 workshops in total during the school year).

Each module is a self-contained part of a whole that makes up a coherent ensemble on the practical and extensive use of theatre activities in schools.

During our project we draw inspiration from visual theatre, theatre of form, creative dance, drama methods, performance, street activities, somatic education and art therapy. The area of our exploration is new theatre pedagogy. We will find ways on how to design lessons using pedagogical-theatrical tools. We will analyse our creative experience and put together a set of practical exercises, ideas and scenarios to use in the classroom during lessons.

Topics of meetings:

1. Object and space – theatrical vehicle for activities with school reading

2. Form in movement – creative dance

3. Theatre in the schoolyard

4. School assembly – a field of theatrical experimentation

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