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Here is the House

Tickets and information

Adults: 40 zł, children: 38 zł
Group tickets (more than 10 people): 35 zł

Our theatre education team has a diverse offer of workshops focused on subjects or the theatre form. You can find more here: https://teatrminiatura.pl/en/whats-on/workshops/

  • 22 February
  • Saturday, 10.00
No tickets
  • 22 February
  • Saturday, 15.00
buy ticket Limited amount
  • 23 February
  • Sunday, 10.00
No tickets
  • 23 February
  • Sunday, 15.00
buy ticket Limited amount

Production team

direction: Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich, Jakub Ehrlich
set design: Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich
live music: Jowita Cieślikiewicz
Jakub Ehrlich
Piotr Srebrowski/Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich


  • Age group: 1+
  • First performance: September 21 2021
  • Venue: Chamber Space
  • Duration: 45 min.

Performance without words but with live music and full of subtle humour, which children find captivating. Two characters – Tu and To – explore different elements of the theatre stage and set and then invite the audience to explore with them. The performance is inspired by the principles of sensory integration therapy, created by American therapist Jean Ayres.

Production team

direction: Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich, Jakub Ehrlich
set design: Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich
live music: Jowita Cieślikiewicz
Jakub Ehrlich
Piotr Srebrowski/Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich

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