About Us

We are a theatre for children, young people and families and all those who like to embrace their inner child. In fact, we are like children too:

curious about the world
we observe and listen, discover what is important and inspiring, and then translate this into creative action

we like to explore: new people, artists and audiences, and new ideas or art forms

our way of working is theatre in every possible form: performance, reading, workshop, game, online event or happening in public space

always ready to play
we bring together a diverse community of artists and are keen to cooperate

Would you like to show your little one something new? Stimulate their emotions and imagination?

We have prepared Theatre for the Very Young performances tailored for children aged 1-3, expertly designed by professionals who know the needs and abilities of children of this age. Such performances last about 30 minutes and are mostly wordless. At the end, artists invite little audience members to come on stage and play in theatre scenery.

Looking for an interesting idea for a family outing?

Choose what interests you most from our extensive repertoire of plays for children of all ages. We have adaptations of classic fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, but also of contemporary books for children and young people or plays written especially for the theatre by acclaimed playwrights. All performances for younger audiences are designed in such a way that their carers will not be bored either. You are also guaranteed to be surprised by the form of our plays – if you like picturesque, intriguing worlds, then the Miniatura Theatre is definitely for you.

Would you like to do something creative with your family or are you looking for an idea for an unusual creative lesson for your pupils?

Our hard-working Education Team keep coming up with new educational projects or workshops. We have a regular annual series of Miniature Academy workshops for children and young people divided into different age groups, but also many other workshops for children, young people, families, classrooms and teachers. You can also ask for a special workshop for a group of people, we’ll set a date together and will certainly come up with something exciting.

Or perhaps you can’t attend in person, but are looking for interesting suggestions for children online or want to take part in an e-workshop?

We are constantly looking for different forms for theatre online. We do a puppet series (The Papets: Breaking News), a theatrical-psychological series about emotions (E-motions), we write about theatre and literature for children and young people. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube as Teatr Miniatura. Most of the material is available free of charge. We also run online art workshops on e-learning platforms (Teams, Zoom, etc.) for groups from all over Poland and sometimes even from abroad.

Check out the WHAT’S ON tab and find something for yourself!

Management and artistic team

Na zdjęciu jest młody mężczyzna siedzący na zielonym dachu, w tle widać kominy innych budynków

Michał Derlatka

General and Artistic Director

Originally from the Tricity, he is a theatre director, actor, puppeteer, general and artistic director of the Miniatura Theatre since September 2019. He graduated from the faculty of acting (PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Wrocław), theatre directing (PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków/Wrocław), and also studied directing and playwriting in Spain (Institut del Teatre, Barcelona). He specializes in productions of form theatre and theatre for young audiences. A scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, honoured and awarded locally and nationally. He has produced over fifty theatrical productions (not including the production of nearly thirty performative readings) in Poland, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia; and has worked in Polish, Czech, Slovakian, French, Spanish, Catalan and English.

Młoda kobieta na rowerze

Celina Zboromirska-Bieńczak

Deputy Director

A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Polish Studies with a major in Theatre Studies), and a postgraduate course in Arts and Cultural Management at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication.
Straight after graduation, she worked at the Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk, where, under the directorship of Maciej Nowak, she produced more than 20 theatre productions in collaboration with, among others, Anna Augustynowicz, Krzysztof Babicki, Paweł Demirski, Grzegorz Wiśniewski and Michał Zadara.
In 2009, she was hired at the European Solidarity Centre as a manager of civic projects and oversaw the implementation of cultural, social, and educational events including the annual celebration of the signing of the August Agreements, the All About Freedom Festival, the Solidarity of Arts Festival, and art installations. In 2015, she was awarded the Gloria Artis Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture.

From 2016 to 2018, she was the deputy director at the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk, responsible for administrative and organisational matters, promotion and public image of the theatre and, above all, for building and implementing an educational offer for a wide audience from infants to seniors.
From 2018 to January 2020, she was the deputy director in the Mayor’s Office for Culture at the City Hall in Gdansk.

Since February 2020, the deputy director at the Miniatura City Theatre, she has been responsible for educational, promotional and sales activities, the work of the artistic management department and the technical and economic department.

Młoda kobieta w sukience stoi na tle gdańskich budowli

Agnieszka Kochanowska

Literary Manager

A graduate in theatre studies from the Jagiellonian University, since April 2020 she has been the literary manager of the Miniatura Theatre in Gdańsk and its press officer. Co-author and author of scripts for plays at the Miniatura Theatre: The Ugly Duckling, Seven Dwarfs, Malwina’s Magical Christmas, What’s up with the Devil (Theatre Award of the City of Gdańsk), and Atlas of Remote Islands. Occasional translator, including Andri Snær Magnason’s Blue Planet, which is staged at the Miniatura Theatre. Author of children’s books Malwina ratuje święta/Malwina Saves Christmas and Jak się tu znaleźliśmy/How Did We Get Here (distinction in the contest Book of the Year 2022 of the Polish section of IBBY in the literary category) and Zmień się!/Let’s Change. Participant in the Playwrights Forum at the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute. Between 2009-2013, theatre reviewer for the National Audiovisual Institute’s
dwutygodnik.com magazine.

At Miniatura, she is involved in programming, liaising with the media, editing publications and promotional materials, online marketing, grant applications and sometimes coordinating events. She is the originator of the Sztuka się Robi/Theatre in the Making artistic residency programme for artists who are involved in theatre for children and young people. Particularly interested in the topic of audience development, she has participated in numerous courses including the British Council and The Audience Agency Cultural Skills
Academy: Developing Audiences course (2016), and two editions of the summer school of the international project ADESTE+ (Change within Change. Re-examining the role of the cultural organisation and its relationship with the public 2020, From audience to people 2021).

Młoda dziewczyna z długimi blond włosami siedzi w kucki na dachu, w tle widać stoczniowy dźwig

Magdalena Bednarek



Młody mężczyzna siedzi na metalowej altance

Jakub Ehrlich



Młoda dziewczyna z czarnymi włosami i w czarnej sukience

Magdalena Gładysiewicz



Młoda kobieta z czarnymi włosami w czarnym t-shircie

Agnieszka Grzegorzewska



Wysoka młoda kobieta w czarnej bluzce i czarnych spodniach

Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich



Młoda kobieta stoi po kolana w morzu i chlapie w stronę kamery

Wioleta Karpowicz



Młody mężczyzna leży oparty w dużej czerwonej rurze

Piotr Kłudka



Młody, wysoki chłopak balansuje na tle kolorowej ściany

Kamil Marek Kowalski



Mężczyzna w średnim wieku ubrany w kolorowy sweter stoi boso na łące

Jacek Majok



Starsza kobieta w zielonym turbanie i zielonej sukience na tle drzewa

Hanna Miśkiewicz



Starsza kobieta z długimi brązowymi włosami stoi na tle starej kamienicy z graffiti

Jadwiga Sankowska



Mężczyzna, któremu na ramieniu siedzi nieduży pies

Krystian Wieczyński



Starszy mężczyzna z ogoloną głową w szarej marynarce stoi na tle starych kamienic

Andrzej Żak



Magdalena Żulińska



Młody mężczyzna z krótkimi kręconymi włosami w białej koszuli i dżinsach siedzi na kamiennej kuli

Piotr Srebrowski

actor (cooperation)


Wojciech Stachura

actor (cooperation)


Independent posts

Monika Wróblewska

director's assistant 58 341 01 23 lub 695 368 700

Wanda Matczuk-Szmidt

artistic work coordinator 601 958 185

Agnieszka Kochanowska

literary manager, press officer 885 770 826

Justyna Sawicka

cooperation and development coordinator 601 710 850

Finance and Human Resources Department

Aleksandra Brylowska

chief accountant 58 345 20 81

Karolina Jurkiewicz

accounting specialist

Agnieszka Kummer

payroll specialist

Izabela Sobieraj

accounting specialist

Promotion and Sales Department

Agnieszka Gliwińska

manager 601 958 184

Maria Mućk

promotion and sales specialist, cashier 601 628 377

Aleksandra Lewandowska

promotion and sales specialist, cashier 601 628 377

Patrycja Telesińska

promotion and sales specialist, accessibility coordinator 601 628 377

Education Department

Monika Tomczyk

theatre pedagogue 885 780 204

Adam Gibki

education and event organization specialist 885 780 204

Marta Jankowska

education and event organization specialist 885 780 204

Anna Żukowska

education and event organization specialist 885 780 204

Production Department

Aleksandra Książkiewicz

Production Stage Manager 691 027 899

Marceli Kulesz

assistant producer

Dorota Barczak-Perfikowska

main specialist for international cooperation 724 962 000

Technical Department

Patryk Wąsowicz

Technical Manager

Aleksandra Szumska

manager of the art and carpentry workshop

Marcin Kuzior

specialist in theatre crafts

Stanisław Wojciechowski

specialist in theatre crafts

Sławomir Wymysłowski

specialist in theatre crafts, carpenter

Jowita Cieślikiewicz

sound engineer

Wiesław Milimen

lighting technician

Zbigniew Okęcki

stage foreman

Grzegorz Czernewski

stage crew

Jacek Kaczkowski

stage crew, prop master

Michał Skolimowski

stage crew

Iwona Witek


Jadwiga Kalisch

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